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Client | HKAIM

Project | HK Digital Advertising Startups x
             Publishing (AdxPub) Promotion

             Support Scheme call for
             entry video

Ad x Pub is a supporting scheme sponsored by CreateHK, that aims to support advertising startups in Hong Kong and help publishing industries to promote books with the use of digital media. The programme forms a platform for advertising startups, publishers and authors to collaborate and raise public attention to reading culture in Hong Kong. In this project, pixel elements and blocks are integrated to represent digital advertising. Characters are designed with more sharp angles to match with the graphic style.  

Project | 2nd HK Digital Advertising

             Startups x Publishing (AdxPub)

             Promotion Support Scheme call

             for entry video

In the 2nd year of the programme, slight adjustments are made to the colours and key visual, by adding more shapes and patterns to it. Footages of past year's events are integrated in the video in a collage style, to let potential audience know what exactly the programme looks like, as well as showing the final work of different teams.

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